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Making a Lasting Impression with These 9 Home Staging Tips

When you're preparing to sell your home, presenting it in the best light is essential. According to the National Association of Realtors, 58% of buyers' agents cited that home staging affected most buyers' view of the home most of the time. Simply put, how you present your home can significantly influence a prospective buyer's perception and decision-making process. If you are listing your Milford, CT, real estate on the market, consider these staging tips for a faster sale.

Defining home staging

Home staging is the process of preparing and decorating a home to showcase its best features and appeal to as many potential buyers as possible. Unlike interior design, which focuses on personal style, home staging emphasizes the property's assets and makes it appealing to a broad audience.

The significance of home staging

Home staging is paramount in the real estate market. Most buyers first encounter homes online, and a well-staged home can stand out among hundreds of online listings. It helps prospective buyers imagine living in that space, amplifying the home's selling price and curb appeal. When a home is staged, the dollar value buyers perceive its worth to be is higher, leading to potentially more money in the seller's pocket.

Exploring home staging choices

There are a plethora of home staging options available for sellers. You could hire a professional home stager who often works alongside real estate agents, ensuring the home appeals to the broadest audience possible. These professionals might suggest sellers rent furniture, pull furniture from other rooms, or add finishing touches like table lamps or throw pillows. Another option is the DIY approach, using home staging tips available online and from the Real Estate Staging Association. You can turn your living space into a potential buyer's dream with the right DIY home staging tips.

Expert home staging tips


The first step to showcasing your home's potential is removing any unnecessary items. Less is more. Clearing countertops, removing excess furniture, and cleaning out closets can make spaces appear larger and more inviting.

Deep clean

Never underestimate the power of a clean home. Ensure floors are shining, windows are spotless, and every nook and cranny is dust-free. It gives potential buyers the impression of a well-maintained property.

Patch and repair

Address minor issues like holes in the walls, chipped paint, or a broken drawer. These small fixes can make a big difference in a buyer's perception of the home's condition.

Depersonalize the space

Prospective buyers should envision themselves in the home, not feel like they're intruding on someone else's space. Remove family photographs, kids' artwork, and any other highly personal items. Aim for a neutral and universally appealing space.

Choose neutral colors

Neutral colors appeal to a broader audience. While you might love that turquoise wall in your living room, it might not resonate with all prospective buyers. Consider repainting walls in shades of white, beige, or light gray. These colors make spaces look bigger and provide a blank canvas that allows potential buyers to imagine their décor in the room.

Make use of natural lighting

Natural light makes spaces look larger, brighter, and more welcoming. Remove dark curtains and open blinds. If natural lighting is limited, consider hanging light-colored curtains, which can reflect more light and brighten a room. The play of natural light can transform a space and make it more inviting to future buyers.

Rearrange your furniture

Sometimes, there are better ways to showcase the room's potential than the way we arrange our furniture for day-to-day living. Consider pulling furniture away from the walls to create conversation areas. Remove unnecessary furniture that might make a space feel cramped. The goal is to highlight as much floor space as possible, making rooms appear larger.

Make sure rooms are well-defined

Each room should have a clear and defined purpose. If you've turned your dining room into a makeshift office, consider reverting it back for staging. This doesn't mean you can't showcase versatility, but potential buyers should be able to quickly recognize a room's primary function.

Improve curb appeal

First impressions matter. The exterior of your home is the first thing potential buyers will see, either when browsing homes online or driving by for a viewing. Freshen up landscaping, paint the front door, replace old house numbers, or even add a cozy bench or potted plants near the entrance. An inviting exterior can entice buyers to want to see more.

Frequently asked questions about home staging

What happens to any rented furniture after staging?

Most of the time, the furniture used for staging is rented. Once the home is sold or the rental period ends, the items are returned to the staging company or furniture rental establishment. If the staging involved some of your personal belongings, they'd remain with you.

Is it better to sell a house empty or staged?

Staged homes often sell faster and for a higher price than empty homes. An empty home can feel cold and impersonal, making it harder for buyers to envision living there. Staging introduces elements of warmth, function, and style, which can lead to a more emotional connection and a quicker sale.

Should you set the table when staging a home?

Setting the table is a classic home staging tip for the dining room. It helps buyers imagine entertaining in the space. However, it should be done tastefully — think elegant place settings, not a full spread of food.

What is the difference between home staging and interior design?

Home staging is strategically decorating and arranging spaces to sell a home faster and potentially for more money. It's about appealing to a broad audience of potential buyers. On the other hand, interior design is about creating a space tailored to the specific tastes and needs of the homeowner. It's a more personal and long-term approach.

Work with GEN Next Real Estate

With an impressive trajectory that includes a consistent top 1% ranking in property sales and volume, leadership roles across prominent realtor boards, and deep educational roots from institutions like Hampton University and The George Washington University National Law Center, GEN Next Real Estate is dedicated to unparalleled customer service, community engagement, and empowering others through speeches and writings. If you want to buy or sell a home or have questions about Milford, CT, real estate, contact GEN Next Real Estate today.

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Contact Gen Distance and her team at GEN Next Real Estate today. There is no better choice when selling, buying or renting a home.

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