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Your Real Estate Agent Is Just One Member of Your Home Selling Team

Selling a home can be a complicated process, but you will have plenty of people available to assist with specific steps as you move from getting your home ready to list on the market to closing. You will work the most closely with your real estate agent, who will help you get in touch with the other parties you will need information from and answer any questions you may have about who is responsible for specific tasks. Here are some of the most important people you and Sell Save Move's Connecticut real estate agents will work with when selling your home!

Mortgage lenders

Most people do not have enough money to purchase a home in cash, which means that finding a reliable way to finance a home is an important step in moving a pending sale toward closing. Most sellers will need to wait for their seller's mortgage to be approved prior to moving forward with the sale. If you are also buying a new house within a similar time frame, you will likely also be working with your own mortgage lender, and you may have an easier time securing your own mortgage after you have closed the sale of your old house and received the funds from the sale if you are able to do so. If you must carry two mortgages at once, you will need to stay even more organized when it comes to making sure each step is handled by the correct person at the correct time.

An appraiser

Determining what an appropriate asking price for your home might be can be challenging, especially when the housing market fluctuates as much as it has over the past two years. Your appraisal is one of the most important steps in getting your home ready to list on the market. An appraiser will provide a professional opinion of the current value of your home based on the condition and features of the home itself and the current housing market for your area. Although you are not required to list your home using the precise figure you are given during this appraisal, getting your asking price as close to your home's actual market value as possible can help you make sure your buyers see it as a viable option.

A home inspector

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No buyer wants to purchase a home with significant known problems that will likely force them to make costly repairs within the first year or two following the sale, but it can be difficult for sellers to be aware of every issue with the home that should be disclosed to the buyer or preferably fixed prior to listing the home on the market.
A home inspector plays an important role in maintaining the integrity of the sale for both parties by expertly inspecting every aspect of the home to locate any potential problems with the home's electrical system, plumbing, roof, structure, and other aspects of the home so that the buyer and seller can make informed decisions about what must be done prior to closing as a condition of the sale, what the buyer is comfortable having done on their own once they own the home, and who is responsible for the cost of any labor and materials related to these repairs.
The home inspection is intended to protect both the buyer and the seller by making both parties aware of any problems prior to the sale. With this transparency, sellers cannot intentionally hide problems from buyers. Buyers also cannot attempt to take legal action when they find out about a problem a seller genuinely did not know existed years down the road or claim that a seller did not disclose a problem they caused themselves. Although it can be tempting to skip the extra cost of a home inspection, the protection it provides for both the seller and the buyer is always worth it.

A title company

Any reputable seller will only attempt to sell a home they are certain they own, but mistakes can be made that can lead to complications for both the seller and the buyer. A title company ensures that the seller is the current rightful owner of the home and that there are no issues that interfere with their right to sell it. For example, a technical error with the previous sale of the home may reveal that a small detail the seller was unaware of makes them not technically the legal owner, there is a lien against the property that the seller may or may not be aware of, or a home that has not been fully paid off may not yet be eligible to be sold if proper procedures have not been followed. Your title company can identify potential issues with the ability to sell your home early on so that they can be resolved instead of finding out once your buyer is already invested in your home.

An insurance agent

Buying a home is a major investment, and many home buyers worry about losing money throughout the process. Selling a home also comes with a certain amount of risk until that money is actually in the seller's bank account. An insurance agent provides financial protection throughout the process until the sale is complete to make sure that neither party loses a potentially significant amount of money in case something were to go wrong throughout the purchase process.

Your buyer

Making sure your home fits the description of a property your potential buyers actually want to buy is an important step in getting enough people interested in moving further than your online listing and coming to tour your home in person to increase your likelihood of finding a buyer within the time frame you have in mind. For this reason, deep cleaning and making any necessary repairs are essential when it comes to attracting the attention of the right buyer. Although it may feel as though you are doing all the work during the early stages of selling your home, it is important to remember that your buyer is just as important to the final sale as you are.
Once you have received an offer on your home, your buyer will play an even more important role in the obligations you will have when it comes to moving your home toward closing. Certain tasks that your buyer needs to complete can only be done after you have finished other steps (and vice versa), which means that maintaining strong communication throughout the process and staying on top of the aspects you need to cover plays an essential role in keeping the process moving at the pace you are both expecting.
Although most communication will happen through your real estate agent, and you generally will not need to meet your buyer in person, it is still important to remember that they have plenty of expectations of their own as far as what they want to get out of your home.
Because a pending sale is not finalized until closing, it is important to keep your buyer as happy as possible during that time to ensure that they do not decide they are no longer interested. This does not mean you have to cave to unreasonable demands, but you should expect to be somewhat flexible when negotiating a sale price, respond to questions from your buyer and handle tasks that are your responsibility in a timely manner, and be willing to have any reasonable repairs done following your home inspection to keep them from deciding that working with you is creating too much extra work for them and they would be better off looking elsewhere.

Your buyer's real estate agent

Your buyer's real estate agent is just as important as your own in the big picture of the sale of your home. Although it is possible for both parties to work with the same real estate agent, which can be particularly advantageous for your buyer, you and your buyer will frequently have separate real estate agents that work together to handle the majority of negotiation and other communication on behalf of you and your buyer. Working with the same real estate agent can be a bit more challenging for the seller, as a single agent must do their best to remain neutral but tends to lean in favor of moving things along for the buyer. Having separate agents often means that yours will be able to provide more assistance for you if conflicts come up, but either situation can work well under most circumstances.
While you will have no control over the quality of your buyer's real estate agent, getting your own just right is an important step in making the process as smooth as possible for both sides of the sale.

Your real estate agent

Your real estate agent is the most important person you will work with throughout the process of selling your home. This person will connect you with your buyer, answer any questions you have throughout the process, and solve any problems that come up along the way. Sell Save Move's real estate agents are among Connecticut's top choices when it comes to helping both sellers and buyers make the process as smooth as possible.

Contact us today to learn more about what sets us apart or to start the process of listing your home on the market!

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Contact Gen Distance and her team at GEN Next Real Estate today. There is no better choice when selling, buying or renting a home.

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